Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Reflections: Looking Forward

Looking towards the second half of the semester, I'm really excited for all of the potential that this class has to offer. There area number of different stories and works we can work on, and the main choice for me right now is deciding whether I want to focus only on other versions of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata or whether I want to try to cover as wide a breadth as possible. I really loved the two epics and I think it would be interesting to familiarize myself with more versions of the stories to see what changes and what stays the same in each version, so that's what I'm leaning towards now.

In terms of my writing, I really want to use this second half of the semester to try to write more adventurous stories. All of mine have been basic retellings or depictions of scenes from a similar point of view, but I've not really done anything as creative or different as some of the stories I've seen from my classmates. I want to use these last few weeks to really sit and focus on my writing and what I can do better.

My other main goal involves my scheduling for this class. I've been able to get everything done so far, but there have been a lot of times where I've forgotten to do a declaration or not been able to work on assignment until I'm already in the grace period. I'd like to make a better schedule that might take off some of the stress of keeping up with this class. That way, I might be able to work on some of the extra credit assignments and maybe finish a bit early.

Generic inspirational sunrise, courtesy of flickr

1 comment:

  1. I noticed that we have a similar goal looking forward in this class. I think that the scheduling will be so beneficial and I know that I have had trouble keeping up with the assignment due dates due to me not scheduling. I think that is a goal that most people have in this class right now. Good luck with your goals!
